How to Grow and Care for Sarah Bernhardt Peony


Gardeners cherish the Sarah Bernhardt Peony because of its long-lasting pink blossoms and desirable fragrance and classic appearance. The gardening community has favored the Sarah Bernhardt variety for more than 100 years since its naming after the French actress. As a temperate-climate perennial it stands as a herbaceous plant which produces its amazing springtime blooms.

The addition of Sarah Bernhardt Peony requires mastering the essential steps for planting followed by gardening principles and proper care techniques. The following guide contains detailed information for successful growth of these precious blooms from planting until maintenance.

Choosing the Right Location

Ideal Growing Conditions

Choosing the proper place for the Sarah Bernhardt Peony is the foundation that leads to its garden success. Consider the following factors:

Sunlight: Peonies need at least six hours of direct sunlight per day. Hot Temperate gardeners should choose a location which receives morning sun and protective afternoon shade.

Soil: The perfect environment for Sarah Bernhardt includes soil that has good drainage characteristics combined with fertility and neutral to slightly acidic pH levels ranging from 6.5 to 7.

Spacing: A spacing of three feet between plants (about 91 cm) creates enough air circulation to prevent fungal diseases.

Planting Sarah Bernhardt Peony

Best Time to Plant

Plant Sarah Bernhardt Peony during the early fall period from September to October when roots can establish before the arrival of winter. Plants of Sarah Bernhardt Peonies succeed in early spring planting if root establishment before winter is not possible.

Steps for Planting

Prepare the Soil:

  • Deteriorate soil at a depth starting from 12 to 18 inches.
  • To enhance soil nutrition combine compost together with well-rotted manure.

Dig the Hole:

  • Set aside a hole with 2 foot width and 12 inch depth.
  • When burying the peony tuber position its bud section 1-2 inches below the soil depth.

Place and Cover:

  • Set the tuber so its buds are positioned in the upward direction.
  • After planting evenly spread soil over it while lightly tamping down the newly placed dirt.

Water Well:

  • The soil needs a proper watering session to serve as soil settlement.
  • The soil should be kept in a moderately moist condition.

Caring for Sarah Bernhardt Peony

Watering Requirements

  • Peonies require deep irrigation only occasionally while rejecting light constant water applications in small amounts.
  • A moisture content should be maintained in the soil while also ensuring good drainage conditions.
  • After roots become established you should decrease watering since peonies show tolerance to dry conditions.

Fertilizing Tips

  • Early spring new growth appears as the ideal time to apply a balanced fertilizer (10-10-10).
  • The application of high amounts of nitrogen should be minimized to prevent excessive leaf growth while reducing blooming potential.
  • A supplemental feeding after blooming will reinforce the root system leading into the next growing period.

Mulching and Weeding

  • Organic mulch substances should be layered thinly across soil during springtime to maintain moisture while suppressing weed development.
  • Hand removal of weeds should be the preferred method since it protects the short-root systems.

Supporting the Blooms

  • The full-bloomed flowers of Sarah Bernhardt Peony become heavy that might need extra support for stability.
  • Support petal-bearing peony stems with ring structures or stakes or cages to stop bending.

Pruning and Deadheading

After Blooming

  • Removing spent flowers from Deadhead plants helps the plant grow better while denying it the ability to create seeds.
  • Cut the flower stems at their first point where healthy leaves begin.

Fall Pruning

  • Trim all plant foliage to the ground surface during the late autumn season to stop disease spread.
  • Potentially infectious fungal elements found in cuttings should be discarded instead of being sent to compost.

Common Pests and Diseases


  • External management of aphids consists of treating them with neem oil or insecticidal soap.
  • Thrips affect buds badly but natural enemies such as ladybugs can assist with their control.


  • The fungal infection Botrytis Blight results in brown spots along with wilting while proper airflow in the area prevents its development.
  • White masses signal powdery mildew infection so use fungicides or eliminate the affected plant tissue.

Propagation of Bernhardt Peony

Division Method

  • Division offers the best strategy to propagate peonies instead of using seeds as the propagation method.
  • Fall is the right time to excavate the plant for division approximately every 4-5 years.
  • When separating tubers users should maintain at least three to five eyes for each division.
  • Right after extraction plant the material at its original depth.

Winter Care

  • The winter-hardy Sarah Bernhardt Peony manages to survive through cold seasons successfully.
  • A refined layer of mulch applied in cold climates should protect the roots from frost damage.
  • Early spring marks the time to eliminate mulch so that emerging new growth can appear.

Enjoying Your Peony Blooms

Cut Flower Arrangements

People frequently select Sarah Bernhardt Peony for flower arrangements because its big pink flowers possess a soft appearance along with fragrant scents. Cut the flower stems during morning hours when flower buds are neither crisp nor fully blossomed for the best possible vase life.

Placement during this specific time of day enables the flowers to produce new blossoms in vases leading to better visual attractiveness and freshness in floral arrangements. The placement of the cut stems should go into a container containing clean room-temperature water. The combination of right water levels maintains bloom hydration which results in extended vase life so you can study their beauty during multiple days. 

Companion Planting

  • It harmonizes optimally with irises and alliums and salvia plants.
  • Planting positions should be kept at a distance from substantial trees since these trees will need the same mineral resources.


Taking proper care and practicing patience results in a rewarding experience with growing the Sarah Bernhardt Peony. These peonies create a garden treasure because of their beautiful pink flowers with lovely fragrance and lengthy blooming period.

Caring for the Sarah Bernhardt Peony through proper sunlight conditions and well-draining soil along with consistent maintenance practices will result in prolonged beauty in your garden. People can use the Sarah Bernhardt Peony as cut flowers or choose to grow them as the central point in their garden space because they satisfy all viewing requirements.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do you care for a Sarah Bernhardt peony?

Placing Sarah Bernhardt Peony in light-filled areas of well-drained terrain requires deep and periodic watering while early spring application of fertilizer. To maintain a vigorous and pleasant outlook the plant needs regular maintenance that includes trimming, removing dead blooms and appropriate winter protection.

Why is it called Sarah Bernhardt peony?

The peony plant variety honors Sarah Bernhardt who was a leading French actress during 19th and early 20th century France. The bright nine-inch flowers of this peony served as symbolic representations of the former actress’s refined courtly personality and stature.

Where is the best place to plant a peony bush?

To achieve optimal growth a peony bush needs to be planted in a sunny area that receives direct sunlight for at least six daily hours. The soil needs to be well-drained with fertility in addition to moderate acidity or neutral conditions. Plant your peony away from competing large trees or big shrubs which seek nutrient access and occupy ground space.

How much sun do Sarah Bernhardt peonies need?

The appropriate sun exposure for Sarah Bernhardt Peonies amounts to a minimum of six sunlight hours daily. Smaller amounts of sunlight result in increased bloom quantity; however, partial shade in afternoons provides an advantage to plants situated in very hot environments.

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